The Gift Of Sleep

Luxury Sleep Gift

We put a course in a box! The perfect gift for a new parent.

  • New Baby Sleep & Well-Being Course

  • Luxury Sleep Candle made with 100% pure essential oil

  • Spritz to sleep room/pillow spray

  • Essential sleep survival guide

New Baby Sleep & Well-Being Course Covers:

What to Expect & How To Cope

  • New Baby Sleep Needs

  • 0-4 Month Sleep Routine

  • 4 Month Sleep Regression

  • Coping Strategies for Parents

Building Good Sleep Rhythms

  • New Baby Sleepy Signals

  • Introducing Your New Baby to Their Sleep Space

  • Techniques For Settling A Newborn

  • New Baby Naps

  • Newborns & Night Feeds

  • How To Avoid Feeding To Sleep

Managing Expectations and Crying

  • Crying and Communication

  • How To Respond to Crying

  • How to Stay Calm When Your Newborn is Not!

Why It Matters To Start Sleep Right

  • Benefits of Healthy Sleep

  • Being Prepared

All this is packaged in our beautiful gift box with your luxury sleep candle and spritz to sleep spray to create the most calm and sleep inducing environment, along with our sleep guide to keep you on track as your little one grows.

The Complete Gift of Sleep Contents:

  • New Baby Sleep & Well-Being Course = Value £199

  • Luxury Sleep Candle made with 100% pure essential oil = Value £30

  • Spritz to sleep room/pillow spray = Value £21

  • Essential sleep survival guide = Value priceless!

Total Value = £250

All yours for complete peace of mind and instant access: £99 Today!

(with free UK shipping)